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Old September 20, 2013   #7
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: California Central Valley
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Originally Posted by Mark0820 View Post
If you have a local food pantry, they are always excited to receive fresh veggies.
Yes, but I've learned that my local one really prefers "normal" vegetables. At the beginning of the summer I brought them some purple pole beans, and the ladies looked at me kind of funny. I explained that when you cook them, they turn green, and that's how you know they're done.

I've also brought them Armenian cukes. I don't know if anyone else was bringing them, too, but I saw a pretty sorry looking one in the "take all you want" box 10 days after I brought them some.

They get the round red tomatoes. I brought 1 or 2 Ananas Noire and Purple Calabash, and had to explain what they were ("tomatoes -- they're supposed to be that color").

On the other hand, I brought sorrel, rainbow lacinato kale, and a bunch of basil and chives at different times, and clients were there who were happy to get them.

But I'm always worried that if I bring something unusual, it's going to go to waste, so I've been trying to find other outlets for the unusual stuff.
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