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Old October 15, 2013   #1
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Default first time crosses

Well, I fooled around quite a bit this summer with trying to make an intentional cross of my own just for the learning experience mainly. I tried a number of combinations over the season and had a couple of interesting ones that "took". My Captain lucky plants were very good at giving pollen when they felt like it and sometimes, instead of a dusting of pollen on my lens there would be little "piles" of it and I think that is why the two successful ones were from CL pollen. I crossed it with the red beefsteak "delicious" and also with a pink heart called Ludmilla's pink heart. I saved and fermented seeds from those fruits and now have a couple hundered F1 seeds from each.
Now what? stupid question, I know but I am wondering what you experts might expect from the F1 of those two combinations. Regular leaf for sure I think but what other characteristics would you surmise the F1 fruits to have. what is dominant as far as shape or color when the pollen source is an odd tri color like captain lucky?
I plan to grow them out next year to find out but I was wondering if you guys would have a guess as to what you think I might find when I do.
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