Thread: Raspberries!
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Old October 30, 2013   #27
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Wild black raspberries are amazing and the best part is that I don't have to do anything to them, they just grow!

I have a patch of sweet tasting peach-coloured raspberries that I bought at a plant sale. I also have a large red variety that isn't as sweet as the peach. They all produced a lot of fruit the year before last, so last year I thought I'd better prune them (in the spring). The info that I found said to remove every branch that had fruited the previous year. I did that and had NOTHING left!!!!! However, they eventually grew back and gave me a little fruit very late in the fall. I am scared to try that method of pruning again!!!! I think it's probably better if I just leave them alone.

Linda (who is better at growing tomatoes than raspberries)
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