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Old November 18, 2013   #108
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Riverside, Southern California, USDA 9b, Sunset 19
Posts: 63

I guess I don't know either, I wouldn't be surprised if they could vector in a disease but I understand they are fairly sedentary and don't spread very quickly so where would they get the disease from. My understanding is that RKN damage is more physical and stops the root system from performing as it should rather than causing any disease but not sure. I don't know is the bottom line.

The plant was pretty healthy still, had to pull several quite large green tomatoes off of it. I think it was fairly late in the season that this happened, I'm generally quite careful to make sure there aren't any shoots coming up from below the graft union but as the plant gets big it gets more difficult to check on. It had a kink in the stem and was just touching at that point.
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