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Old December 3, 2013   #346
Mike Maurer
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Rio Rancho, New Mexico
Posts: 105

Originally Posted by tuk50 View Post
Mike, Post #334. Man, you must have a bunch of them if they eat the butternuts also. If there are no gardens close to you, you might try and not plant them for a couple of years .. I did this a few years ago and it seemed to help. My garden is about 2000sq ft and I rotate squash from one end to the other every year and, yes I plant my winter squash away from the summer squash. Another thing you might try is plant the squash late in the summer just so you will have enough time to harvest .. my squash bugs don't seem to be as bad as when I plant early in the summer. I read somewhere that they hatch only once or twice a year. Hope this helps some. I plant dill around my squash plants as a deterrent and when I walk by the dill plants just get a hand full and throw it over the squash plants. Also I plant squash in holes in the garden like when a tomato or pepper dies then I stick a few seeds in and this seems to help, by isolating them in with something else.
Yes I seem to have a bunch, but then everyone around this general area ( West and north of Albuq.) seems to be as troubled as I am.
I"ll try the Dill, I usually have a bunch volunteer and I'll move some to the squash. I'll try the late move too, I haven't tried that yet. And I'm going to give up on summer squash. Thanks for the tips. I did try just forgetting them altogether for a few years, I had a vine borer problem and that seemed to help. I don't have as much problem with the vine borers, but the regular squash bugs are legion!
Thans again, Mike
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