Thread: Bread
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Old December 13, 2013   #10
Join Date: Nov 2011
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Default Bread

Once you have your starter, it's a piece of.... Bread! I have one that's several years old and still going strong. I don't do much bread baking in the summer time, but it has survived months of neglect and now that winter is here it'll get a lot more attention. The no knead recipes are great if you don't want to take the time to make a traditional loaf. And yes, retarding the dough (placing it in the fridge for a super slow and long rise) will go a long way towards improving the flavor of any yeast bread dough.

If you own a heavy duty food processor, there's a great book called "The Best Bread Ever: Great Homemade Bread Using Your Food Processor" by Charles Van Over. It has instructions for quickly making dough for breads that traditionally require lots of kneading. It's out of print, but used copies are available on Amazon. If I have time, though, I will gladly spend ten minutes hand kneading dough. I find it somewhat meditative.

Last edited by Father'sDaughter; December 14, 2013 at 09:24 AM.
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