Thread: Winter Reading
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Old January 7, 2014   #140
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Merced, CA
Posts: 832

Hi Chris,

Besides the superglue thing, another thing that popped out at me as I scanned the first parts of the thesis, was how the rootstock could affect the fruit quality and flavor - things like Brix, lycopene, and vitamin C content, etc. I had been under the impression that rootstock didn't affect the fruit quality in that way.

Most of the article was too technical for me and I haven't read (or scanned) most of it, but I'll keep plugging away. Lots of little "aha" moments popping out here and there as well as basic stuff like healing environment info, etc.

Anyway..... very interesting - even for someone like myself who is pretty clueless on the genetics part of it all.

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