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Old January 17, 2014   #7
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Originally Posted by Tom A To View Post
You take great pictures!

That's an ambitious undertaking. I think if it were me, I'd take a close look at the Seig X1 Micro Mill. Not sure how big your projects will be. It's not very expensive being small and being from China.

Is there anything that isn't on YouTube? Here is someone using it on wood:
I do need a Milling machine along with a good XY table. and I have gave your idea some thought.
It isnt out of the question.
One thing I am going to do is mount a degree wheel on the table raising handle.
I happen to have one handy.

The thread pitch on the machine is 4 threads per inch.
With one rotation of the crank it will raise or lower the table 1/4 of an inch.
If you put the degree wheel on you would be able to know exactly where you were from were you was.
Stupid and not really needed but I thought it would be cool.
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