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Old January 18, 2014   #1
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Default So far terrible lettuce year

When you live this far south lettuce season runs from fall into late spring. This year has been a disaster for lettuce so far. In the fall the plants set out didn't grow very fast and then when the really cold weather hit it looks like most of them even under hoops were killed or severely damaged. The new replacements I set out since have not done anything much either. It is really odd because spinach and lettuce were both set out the same week yet the spinach has grown like crazy since it was transplanted while the lettuce has struggled. They both got the same treatment as far as watering and fertilizing. This is the first year since I have been growing lettuce through the winter that I have had no lettuce by the first of the year. I usually start picking lettuce between Thanksgiving and Christmas with no let up until the hot weather gets here in the spring. I have got one more batch of lettuce seedlings to set out in the next week or so and if they don't do anything I'm not going to try anymore this year.

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