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Old January 25, 2014   #7
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: California Central Valley
Posts: 2,540

My Tromboncino was on a tuteur (2x2), but it stretched over to the fence a couple feet in one direction and the bean trellises a couple feet in the other direction. I could have paid more attention to it and cut off the wandering vines (squash leaves are edible, I've read), or moved them back, but I let it go. It's an easy squash to grow vertically because the fruits don't need to be supported. I did put plastic pots underneath some long ones so that they wouldn't sit on the ground, though, and I occasionally freed developing fruits from the tangle so they could stretch out.

To use its rampant nature as an advantage, use it for shade. I've seen it growing in another garden on a large arbor (with table and chairs underneath), where it sheltered the patio from the sun and hung down through the openings in the overhead trellis.
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