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Old February 23, 2014   #7
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: MA/NH Border
Posts: 4,917

I spent the day chopping the remaining ice pack off the driveway. My garden is still buried, as is the whole yard, although I did see my first robin today hopping around on the edge of the back lawn where the glaciers have started receding...

I also spent some time shuttling some of my newly sprouted sweet pepper seedlings from the heating pad in the dining room down to the basement under lights. They are joining the eggplants, hot peppers, a few cooler weather herbs, and five varieties of onions that I started from seed last month.

Oh, and I do have two Capperino (F1) peppers that I purchased seeds for before Christmas and decided to do a germination test on...just because. They are now about five inches tall, very stocky and bushy, and starting to load up with blossoms. I think I'll transplant them into larger pots and see if I can actually get any peppers from them.

It'll be a while before I can even think about getting anything actually planted out, but it's comforting knowing that as soon as the snow melts and the weather warms up, I'll be seeing the green shoots from the garlic and shallots poking their way through the mulch!
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