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Old April 10, 2014   #57
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Allentown, PA
Posts: 349

Originally Posted by FISHINNUT View Post
Why is your valve reservoir elevated above the earthtainers? I would think that being above the earthtainers the water would constantly run because the valve wouldn't shut.
I have daisy-chained everything as you describe and haven't had much of a problem. I did have a problem my first year with root growth down into the reservoir and eventually into the tubing, which clogged things up. It didn't happen last year, though (a double-layer of landscape fabric helps). It's important to check each reservoir on a somewhat-regular basis (maybe once a week) to make sure they are getting water. You can either use a cork-type contraption like in Raybo's instructions, or just look down through your fill pipe with a flashlight.

As for the elevation of the float valve container, I'm not exactly sure (that was two apartments ago). Maybe without it the water level in the float container was too high and, with the valve, the lid couldn't be put on. Currently I have the float container on the same level as my EarthTainers without any issue, though, so I wouldn't read too much into that photo, and would just do whatever seems to work for you.
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