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Old April 20, 2014   #43
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That's a great link Doug, you can actually buy an English language copy of the paper there.
Unfortunately the articles from that journal are not presently available online in any language.

I did find reference to other work on tomato pigments by the same author, this one on the interaction of hp2/dg/Beta.
"[Effects of intergenic interaction of the high pigmentation gene hp-2(dg) (high pigment-2 dark green) with the gene B (beta-carotene) in tomato].

[Article in Russian]
Kuzemenskiĭ AV.

It was shown that during intergenic interaction of genes hp-2(dg) and B in dihomozygote an additive factor is formed activating biogenesis of beta-carotene in tomato fruits. In the genotype B/B//hp-2(dg)/hp-2(dg) there is preserved the positive effects of the gene hp-2(dg) on the content of ascorbic acid and the negative one on the content of titrated acids. With this stabilization of the gene hp-2(dg) genetic depression is observed, which is manifested in the increased productivity of B/B//hp-2(dg)/hp-2(dg)-genotypes."

If anyone manages to get copies of the full text(s), please share your knowledge by posting a more detailed explanation of the results for us.
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