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Old January 18, 2007   #5
velikipop's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Langley, BC
Posts: 768

You can keep them under shop lights for a few weeks. make sure to pot them up..into larger pots. If you can place them close to a bright window for extra light and in a relatively cool spot about 70 degrees during the day an 60 at night. Once a day lightly brush your hand over the seedlings to simulate wind.

This will prevent your seedlings from growing too fast and becoming week and leggy. Do not overwater. Make them suffer a bit which forces them to grow more roots...which is what you want. Do not baby them you will be amazed at the tomato's ability to adapt to harsh conditions.

Move the seedlings outdoors gradually a few hours at a time when its is above 55 and not too sunny. They need time to adapt to the new environment. Eventually you will be able to harden them off by leaving them outside in a sheltered spot, close to your house, overnight. Do not be in a hurry to put them in the soil until it is warm. Rushing them does not work outside. All they will do is shiver in the cold soil and not grow.
I'll plant and I'll harvest what the earth brings forth
The hammer's on the table, the pitchfork's on the shelf

Bob Dylan
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