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Old April 23, 2014   #6
jerryinfla's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Central Florida
Posts: 377

Yeah!!! The Worth we know and love is beginning to show his true colors. I think about you often because I know what you're going through right now. Someday we'll both be our old selves again -- at least that's what they tell me. I don't expect life will ever be the same because there's a huge part of it missing now but I do hope to develop a new normal -- someday.

Kelli, I was hoping nobody would ask what kind of potatoes they are because the truth is I don't know. The past couple of years I bought seed potatoes from a big box store and they had names on the package. This season I bought them in bulk from my favorite nursery -- one handfull of "whites" and another handful of "reds." These are obviously the whites -- I'll dig some reds soon.

They taste as good as they look too, Zana and Jon. I fried and baked some of them last night -- ate the fried ones with dinner and a baked one for desert. I'll have another baked one at lunch today then freeze the others. Since I'm doing my own cooking now I like easy meals -- from the freezer and cans.
Jerry - You only get old if you're lucky.
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