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Old February 22, 2006   #4
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Posts: 141

MSN groups aren't photo hosting sites. It's been a few years that I had looked into it (When I first opened my group back in '02) and they stated somewhere the reasons that photos in albums wouldn't work elsewhere. (I can't remember what it was though ops) That's why when you add a photo to a post there, you have to have it in an album at an MSN group that you belong to, in order to post it at another MSN group (Or stored on your computer, if you have enough storage space left on your passport.)
There are many free photo/imaging hosting sites, such as that are easy to use.
BTW, if you have gotten a photo from MSN groups posted at GW, I'd love a link to the post! Perhaps they have changed things?
Sorry I'm not much help...
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