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Old June 27, 2014   #5
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Location: Newfoundland, Canada
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Thanks for the link to the immunostrip tests - great product.

I'm not sure what ag services still exist here - they were pretty well stripped of federal funding a couple of years ago. I would like to get some expert advice, especially as to the risk of spreading the virus when plants are still without symptoms and look fine. I usually help out at my friend's farm one day a week, but I won't be doing that if there's any risk of bringing the unseen virus along.
The plant next to the infected plant was a second one of the same seed, and not very vigorous although it wasn't showing any mosaic - I took them both out to be on the safe side. But if the mosaic virus is very contagious and is infective before mosaic appears on the leaves, I have probably spread it to every plant in the greenhouse, since I touched every plant and went down every row just a couple of days ago collecting pollen and setting up crosses. Way too many plants and for sure there was lots of contact between the leaves and my shirt. I have no idea how long it would be before symptoms show up. Guess I'll just have to wait and see.

I collected some articles on viral treatments a couple of years ago when I had a plant with the 'shoe-stringy' symptoms of CMV, but I lost that old data when my cpu crashed this spring. I found this one today though, about salicylate... definitely worth giving the plants a booster while I wait for the signs of doom....

Even if they survive, I guess I will have to get any seed from them tested, to be sure there is no transmissible virus.
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