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Old June 29, 2014   #19
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Water is the proven key to to success in my garden. After the first round of tomatoes having BER we have had several heavy showers. Yesterday we went out and my wife saw many pounds of tomatoes of every variety I had. I hadn't been able to see them because of being red/green color blind, but my wife saw them nestled beneath the extensive amount of dark green foliage. They were able absolutely gorgeous and fully ripe. Previously, with the BER, I had been picking them earlier than normal when they were in the first blush stage and a far lighter color. These were a deep dark red and just gloriously ripe and FULL of that tomato flavor we long for...intense and maxed out on sweetness. Last night we had DELICIOUS sandwiches on a San Fran sourdough bread that was round in form, with that chewy crust and was presliced for ease of use. The sour component really balanced perfectly with the tomato sweetness and mayo..nothing else, not even salt. I can honestly say that we had never had such rich flavor. Not even a speck of BER. To prep my soil last Fall I had added everything the mind could conjure. despite all of the rain last month it had taken only a couple weeks of no rain and HIGH temps to trigger the BER, but after those were all removed, more consistent rain every couple of days was the answer, apparently facilitating the plants' abilities to use all of those vitamins, minerals, manure, and all of the extras like sea salt and compost.
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