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Old July 4, 2014   #77
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Join Date: Sep 2012
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Originally Posted by loudog View Post
Great project, I wonder if you could start new area's during the summer using radish(the kind that sends roots 4-5 ft. down) and legumes to build nitrogen and the radishes could help eliminate the water ponding and you could harvest the legumes at least once for hay for the mulch for the coming spring? Joel Salatin has some great practices also. This spring I mowed a strip of grass next to my garden 75 ft. long by 4 ft. fairly short and covered it with newspaper and watered the paper and put down inch layer of wheat straw and covered this with 1/4 inch composted chicken manure and wood shavings , I then places cut seed potatoes 12 inches aparted on top of the compost and then mulched with 6 inches of wheat straw and dusted the top with blood meal, when the potatoe plants were 5-7 inches above the straw I mulched again with straw 5-6 inches. the plants bloomed about 2 weeks ago. I can't post pics now because I can no longer download from my KodaK camera. Will try to get some pics soon. Louie
Cool Louie! That's basically what I am doing without quite as many inputs. The concept is exactly the same though!

AKA The Redbaron

"Permaculture is a philosophy of working with, rather than against nature; of protracted & thoughtful observation rather than protracted & thoughtless labour; & of looking at plants & animals in all their functions, rather than treating any area as a single-product system."
Bill Mollison
co-founder of permaculture
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