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Old August 17, 2014   #164
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Originally Posted by AKmark View Post
My Fred Limbaugh was almost 2 weeks earlier than Sudduth's if I remember correctly. I have a couple of slightly different variations between some plants, and have saved seed from both. One seems a little sweeter and a touch pinker maybe, that's all, very close though. I also got seed from another source I am going to try next year too. I grew it last year, same thing, awesome. For a purple brown tomato try Bear Creek, I planted them late and still got loads off of each plant, it blew the other so called blacks away that I grew this year yield-wise, and was tops in taste too.
Mark, what is the source of your Bear Creek and Fred Limbaugh seeds?

God comes along and says, "I think I'm going to create THE tomato!”
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