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Old August 19, 2014   #30
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Originally Posted by carolyn137 View Post
Mike, I can confirm what Tania wrote since Linda Sapp has been a good friend since 1990 and it was her husband Vince, now deceased, who bred it.

Vince was a lawyer and of course dealt with any legal issus for TGS but had his own private practice as well.I interacted with him several times b'c he used to look at message sites and also the SSE YEarbooks and if he saw something interesting he would contact me to see if I had seeds. He died of a sudden heart attack/

I kept trying to get out of her what the parents were, but she'd just laugh and never tell me.

At the time there was a black cherry listed in the SSE Yearbooks called Black Sweet, Tania doesn't list it, I just checked, and I had grown it and asked about that one and Linda told me no, that wasn't part of the parentage.

And good thing that b'c I didn't like it.

I also remember quite clearly that Linda and Vince produced the first Black Cherry seeds that they listed, and many of us were having terrible problems with germination, but once you got it going and saved seeds all was fine.

Linda told me that she thought that there were too many immature seeds they sent out. It was the first and last time that they ever produced their own seeds.

Thank you for the information, Carolyn. That is quite interesting. I will note that on my website.

I've grown Chocolate Cherry for a number of years and find it to be quite good too. Are you aware of any other black/dark cherry varieties? I have some friends in Russia digging around to see if they can locate any.

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