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Old August 19, 2014   #1
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Ottawa, ON
Posts: 128
Default Clay and rock alternatives

Hello all,

I'd like to begin planning for next year. The soil around my house is clay and rocks. I haven't got it tested, but looking at my neighbour's gardens, it doesn't look very hopeful. This summer, I've grown everything in Earthtainers or fabric pots, and it's been a success, except for some fungus and/or lack of nutrients.

Next year, my hope is to have two gardens:

1. Backyard: Options are containers or raised beds.
2. Front yard: Raised beds or in ground.

My benefits analysis is as follows... Please correct me if I'm wrong:

Containers - excellent yield, expensive because I have to replace some of the grow media every year. The Earthtainers are especially expensive because I use potting mix. For the fabric pots, I can just add compost.

Raised beds - good yield, but I'm not sure how expensive the upkeep of the soil is. Do I need the same expensive potting mixes as Earthainers? Also, do I just place them on the clay as it is, or do I till the clay first? Do I mix the clay and some of the raised be soil? Do I need to remove all the rocks?

In ground - less yield, less expensive, but can I grow anything decent in this clay without major, major amendments?

So my question is, which would you all recommend?

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