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Old August 29, 2014   #34
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Originally Posted by LindyAdele View Post
Can I ask a couple of questions here?

1. I have a wish-list of 10, and I would like to participate in 4 categories in addition. Do the items from my wishlist HAVE to fit into the categories I have chosen?

2. Should I send in seed OTHER than my chosen categories if they are on the wanted lists? And how many packs should I send in?

3. I understand that when people send more seed in, these are spread between participants as bonuses. How do I package 'bonuses'? I have a few varieties I have saved 500 seed or more from, and I would like to share. So if I sent in 25 packs of 10, is that okay? Or does it have to be enough for everyone?

4. Can I use the small plastic see-through zip top baggies (2x1 inch) with a piece of paper inside specifying the variety, description and date collected? Or are coin envelopes preferred?

5. So just to make sure I understand the swap correctly - I should send in
A) 10-packs of seed from any requested variety that I have grown
B) 10 packs of seed of the same variety for each category that I want to participate in, labeled with the seed name
C) Any extra seed I want to share which will be distributed as 'bonuses'.
D) A piece of paper with my wishlist, the varieties I am sending in and what they are for

Is that correct?
1. Wish List varieties and categories are separate parts of the swap. So, the answer is no.

2. Wish Lists are posted in the Wanted Varieties forum under the same title, as here. I will try to group all the lists together and put them in alphabetical order about once a week if I have time. If you see something listed like this...

Margaret Curtain (10)

...that means 10 people have it on their wish lists and Im looking for 10 packs to come in. So far, MC is on many wish lists I've seen.

3. PM the varieties as a starter. If it's very common like Cherokee Purple, that many seeds/packs wouldn't be needed.

4. Plastic zip bags is all I use. I do like the 2 x 3's, but any size is fine.

5. I'll answer this when I have time, which will be after Labor Day.
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