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Old August 30, 2014   #1
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Finland, EU
Posts: 2,550
Default The First 2014 results...

Here are some observations of the first results (hopefully many more to come in the weeks to come, if the weather is sunny..)

It's been a wonderfully hot summer for the most part, and that both hindered and advanced the maturing & ripening process. I've had some delicious tomatoes this year, tastes I never knew existed
Thanks to all the generous folks for the trades and for the advice!

Ambrosia (experimental): very interesting results. Plant A produced larger-than- cherry sized, golden yellow fruits. Plant B had pinkish purple fruits of various size, varying from currant to saladette. Both had a good flavor, but I leaned towards the plant B. Will save seeds and see what they'll result next year.

Azoychka: Lovely, citrusy taste. Fresh and prolific - what's not to love? this was also one of my mother's favorite, so it'll be back next year.

Black Cherry: Nice, bold tomatoey flavor. Good, but nothing spectacular. Still on the fence about this. The plant itself is strong and healthy, and grows vigorously, so I know it can survive any conditions (heat or dampness).

Black from Tula : a wonderful black tomato taste. Even though the plant did not have optimal conditions, it was a strong producer and still has many fruits hanging on it. Cracking is more than desired , but I was forewarned - and Black krims did the same last year so no surprise. This will go to the next round.

Black experimental (from a supermarket grape): vigorous growth, trusses laoded with elongated oblong fruits with a nipple. Beautiful dark green that turns into purple/burgundy. taste is good too, but the skin is thick - no wonder, this has been bred to have excellent shipping/storage qualities.

Black Pear : Black tomato taste, delicious as always.. the plant succumbed to some virus or bug...

Black Plum: Wonderful. Will be back. BER BER and BER - but the taste was worth the trouble

Blush : ok, fresh taste

Carrot-Like : More ornamental than anything, this one proved very fruitful. Good taste.

Coyote: Thr first taste was awful, so I was determined to vote down. The taste however has improved with the sunny weather, and I'm quite in love with this little kicker... it is such a fruitful vine that I might allow it to grow next year as well.

Dancing with Smurfs: Nice, bold tomatoe flavor, especially when ripened in the sunshine. Beautiful to look at, but likely won't be back next year. Based on all the reviews I had read, I was prepared to a very mild experience, but this absolutely beats any supermarket tomato any time.

Dwarf jade Beauty
: ok, nothing special (although the leaves were lovely dark green and strong, the taste was so so)

FishLake Oxheart : Delicious. A bit of BER, which was not surprising with all the crazy weather

Garden Peach : Vigorous growth and lovely fresh taste. I had read lots of negative reviews, so was positively surprised by the flavor. Welcome any time, baby

Ildi : Ah, this is a beauty on its own right... ready to greet every visitor delicious mild taste, when fully ripe

Jaune Flamme : Loved this one, just for the color.. and the refreshing taste.

Lucky Cross : BER and more BER, which was entirely my fault, as the container was too small. The taste was delicious, and worth the trouble. thumbs up!

Mohamed : Delicious fruit, but sadly the first plant was short-lived. Having another one for the late season and winter..

Orange Berry : Beautiful, but tasteless

Scoresby Dwarf : prolific, tasty

Stupice : same here - even tastier

Sub-Arctic plenty : whatever this is, it's not an early one... but the taste is quite alright

Summertime Gold: Delicious. Fresh and satisfying.

SunGold: Nothing that has not been said about this miracle before.. Glad I had the chance to taste this little gem. yes, it is delicious, and the trusses are loaded with fruit. Still, not going to grow it next year, unless my folks decide they want it in their garden.

Tarasenko Rozhevyi (pink): The best tasting tomato this year. Absolutely wonderful. Fruit of paradise. will be back next year! Worth all the hassle, and more. wish I had more plants of this.

Tumbling Tom : so-so, won't be invited back

3C3: This one needs to be fully ripe for the boldest flavor. nice spicy aroma

Last edited by NarnianGarden; August 30, 2014 at 02:30 PM.
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