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Old November 17, 2014   #11
harleysilo's Avatar
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Woodstock GA
Posts: 418

I have no idea what brambles or pineberries are but will google them.

I picked up some raspberries and black berries last year and planted them. One produced 7 or 8 berries by the end of this growing season. I understand they don't produce their first year. They were supposed to be thorn-less, but one has thorns on it. My parents also brought one and we planted it.

One raspberry plant grew a shoot literally at least 10' long, i draped it up into the apple tree and it grew back down to the ground. Several of them rooted themselves as well.

So it would appear that I’ve planted more of a batch of berries vs. an easily contained plant. I need to cut them back soon i guess but the leaves are still green. I'll take pictures and maybe you can give me some suggestions.

We have 3 blue berry bushes that really produced well this year. And we were pleasantly surprised at the cantaloupes’ we grew (i think we had 8 really good ones). Cucumbers did well as did tomatoes. The peppers were off the chain in production and quality. I just got rid of them after are first good freeze. Had i put a cold frame around them i think they would have grown all year. If fact i think i could grow them all year and may try that next year. My soil must be perfect for them.

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