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Old February 7, 2007   #4
Tom Wagner
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Gimme a break, or two, or three,

Headline: "Country Boy Can Survive"..on potatoes!

You seem to allude that I have forgotten more than you know about potatoes and that, my friend, is implying that my artifices are but illusions.

Punning intended, if you doubt my veracity, I'll show you artifist! with one finger...oh never mind..('')

Joking drawn asunder, many potato growers will plant shallow in the earliest plantings, only to harrow off the top inch or so of the soil, to hasten warm-up and earlier emergence. So yeah, 4 inch planting depth is OK, followed by raking the top layer off a bit, and then hilling up as the plants are just starting to emerge. I wish I could show you pictures of the pros and cons, likewise the coulda, shoulda, and didda or such actions.

Is there any stage after the tuber-bulking stage..other than Harvest ?
Yes, of course! The tuber bulking stage implies just that. This makes sense, as the time when the bulk of the tubers form and fill out. This is followed by a slowing down of the expansion of the tuber but increases of specific gravities. This second stage in one fraught with hollow heart disorders, especially in times of great fluctuations of temps and moisture. The next period is one of senescence, whereas the plants begins to yellow and transfer nutrients to the tubers. The skin begins the process of fixation. Most growers speed the later stages by killing the vines.

Additionally...what would be ideal soil temp Comfort range at night , and at what upper fluctuation soil temp in Day... cause limited tuber-bulking? To some degree , mulch selection/application will depend upon insights gained...
Potatoes do quite well with fairly hot days if followed by cool nights. I am talking about chilly enough to almost needing a jacket when the sun go down. That is where coalesced rows prevent the sun from super-heating the very surface of the soil. Those cool nights rapidly cool off the top 1/2 inch of soil, bringing it closer to sub surface temps. Those hot Georgia nights prevent the top layer from cooling off quickly and the foliage is panting like a tiger on hot sauce! You want the leaves of the potato to regain turgidity.

but i have never allowed any cut-curing, prior to planting sprouted cut seed. Would that be advisable/helpful ?
Because I plant so many potatoes over a 5 month period.. I cut a lot of potatoes and allow them to cure even if they already have a lot of sprouts. It also gives me data on rot resistance in my breeding work and selection. That doesn't mean I don't plant immediately after cutting either.

Regarding ideal storage conditions for holding over seed bout in a plastic bag in the lower lettuce drawers of a refrigerator ? I have a second refrigerator just for garden and game use. Any ideas to store them well
The tubers stuck in a crisper often freeze due to lack of air circulation. To keep them from freezing, you may have to keep the temp set higher and that defeats the idea of perfect holding temps. Lots of luck on this one.

Predatory Think Bugs
We need more of these bugs that think for us and go after what we think we don't want. Think Fire Ants..Go Preds!

others w/opinions and related experiences...feel free to crime in..
Partners in chime, all the time, get in and rhyme, and don't be a mime!

Tom Wagner
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