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Old February 7, 2007   #22
Worth1's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Den of Drunken Fools
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After my last visit here I planted one of the rosemary plants I had purchased.
While planting I managed to break off a stem about 10 inches long.
Upon doing so I decided to try and root the thing so I trimmed off a little of the smaller growth shoots from the bottom and put it in a potting mixture.
I lined the pot with plastic wrap so the water wouldn’t drain away and left the thing inside in a window.
Then my wife put the thing outside and it went through the ice storm and other bad weather we had.
After coming home I fully expected to find the little feller dead but to my surprise I found it doing great.
So I removed the plant from the soil and found that it had put on 2 inch roots all over the Woody portion of the stem.

This is great news to me as I want to start propagating more rosemary and at the going rate I will be able to save 100s of dollars on plants.

So in my time home I will try and start about 200 or so more plants.
I know this is how it’s done but it is the first time I have done it with rosemary.

All other plants including the French lavender made it through the freeze just fine.

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