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Old February 8, 2007   #2
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OK anybody with bean growing knowledge ? For 5 years I have not been able to grow beans in this garden....I used to grow bush, pole, and dry beans for years previously-different location....I have spent much time on bean disease web sites and nothing seems to fit...I really would like to grow them again as all 3 of my children eat them and I don't buy much of what we can't grow...
My seeds germinate with the centers gone or deformed looking...If I get a row to all germinate fine they die in a few weeks or get crispy looking and fall over....Two years ago I used some nasty sulfur dust and they still all died....Last year I tried pyrethin spray and they still died....Nothing else in my garden gets diseased or sprayed for anything...A few thrips on tomato plants but that is it....I have staggered plantings from May to July and planted them in almost all sections of the garden...
I have a few left to try one last time and wondered if anyone has had this problem or knows what it could be...
Keith...I would have tried those beans as I usually order anything new at Sand Hill, but missed them this year....If I figure out what gets my beans I will try them sometime....


Oh peas don't grow here either...just sit stunted in the ground for a few weeks before I pull them out of pity...
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