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Old February 9, 2007   #1
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Connecticut Zone 6B
Posts: 88
Default Sculpit AKA 'Silene Inflata', 'Stridolo', 'Sclopit' '

First time growing it. Sculpit is an Italian green/herb used in omelets and risotto. Bill McKay at Seeds from Italy says "Flavor a bit like a combination of arugula, tarrogon, chicory & other herbs . . .Widely used in Italy, but not anywhere else."

Closest I've found to a recipe is a post at egullet which mentions an Italian language cookbook which contains a few recipes for sculpit.

Anyone grow it? Cook with it? Have any recipes?

Thinned seedlings today and the taste is very mild. Not a green taste, not bitter, not much of anything but fresh, crisp and a slight aftertaste of licorice. Rather nice. Perhaps the flavor is more intense when it is older and grown outside. A search on "sclopit" brings up a few references to sculpit used mostly as a garnish. Is there more to it than that?

Sculpit planted on Jan 21st:

Note a few curled tops. Sculpit doesn't like to be close to the lights. Recovers very fast when it is over exposed to heat however.
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