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Old February 2, 2015   #22
TomatovilleŽ Recipe Keeper
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Roseburg, Oregon - zone 7
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Interesting perspectives. I am involved in a local farmers' market. They now have both an outdoor summer market (I think the membership is around $30-$35) from April through Oct. and an indoor winter market ($25 fee) from Nov through March). Booth space was just changed from a sliding fee with a minimum $10 up to a cap of $35 to a flat fee of $20 (which most smaller vendors opposed because it hurt them more than the big vendors).

We have a Farm Direct law here in Oregon so as long as I grow it, I can sell it w/o any inspections required. I am also able to sell certain preserved foods like jam, jelly, sauce, pickles etc. Again no license needed and no certified or inspected kitchen. At some point, I hope to have the kitchen certified so I can sell baked goods. We don't have an unspoken rule on prices. To each their own as far as that goes. I sell my jams for $5/half pint. Wish I could charge more but this market won't bear it. Others have tried to sell for $7 or even $5.50 w/o much luck. I'm doing well at that prices.

Once I get into meat rabbits again, I might avail the local USDA inspected processing facility and sell rabbit meat too.
Now an Oregon gal
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