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Old February 6, 2015   #59
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Ok, Just a few points then I HAVE to get work

To start, In NO WAY have I criticized Camo for what he did. I've made that point before so I hope he doesn't feel like he's being attacked by me. I read the thread and used Cowlicks as the example because that's the one I had a QUESTION...not an issue with. I was just reading his post. I'm trying to figure out how production, if good or bad, merits the title of a new 'strain'

SuncityLinda wrote - Yes, I agree with you in theory Greg but production as we know is often influenced by variables, like weather where as leaf type is leaf type, rain or shine.

EXACTLY!! there are too many variables from one garden to the next from CA to NC.

Camo wrote - I named what I thought was an exceptional tasting and productive tomato after the nursery where I bought the plant.

We certainly can't have taste as a factor can we?

I have to go back to my post back a page or two...

This may be silly but if I were to grow Cowlicks, (this is just an example) and it gives me 30 lbs of fruit every year for a few yrs, THEN the next yrs I get extremely LOW production, and continually get LOW production for yrs after, using the same exact practices, do I have a new Brandywine 'strain'??

Of course it wouldn't sell

I'm asking if you were to consider HIGH production, do we consider LOW production as well? Can't have it just one way.

Or is it that LOW production won't sell and it's not what people are looking for? LOL

Again, I'm trying to figure out how production, if good or bad, merits the title of a new 'strain'


btw, I love this site and all you guys too!! lol
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