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Old February 6, 2015   #9
FLRedHeart's Avatar
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I checked the link for your peas and don't see a picture of any flowers, so you're probably right about them being white or it would probably say something. I thought "Sugar Snap Pea" is a type of pea, not a variety name, whether I'm right or wrong about it ... means to me they are edible thick-sweet and tender podded and not the thinner/immature snow peas like that. I'm sure other people use other names. Anyway, it would be fun to get a purple flower variety next time and plant the white and purple flowered one each on one side of a central support. It would be attractive like that. Then, save the seeds from the white flower ones separate and replant them next time. Because Purple is dominantly inherited, if there is any cross pollination, you'll get 75% purple flowers from them, and who knows maybe some pink LOL, so by doing that you have an attractive display of peas and the next year know first hand how much cross pollination is going on when the rows are butting against each other in your particular garden.
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