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Old February 6, 2015   #11
AlittleSalt's Avatar
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I bought them to eat. Last year was our first year to grow peas. When they started flowering, my wife commented, "Honey, those pea flowers are beautiful." I think Dwarf Grey Sugar was one of them. Then the peas produced and they were the best peas either of us have ever eaten. The ones we tried last year grew to almost 3' tall. I have read that the varieties we bought this year grow to be 6' tall.

The fence they are going to grow on is 4' tall of 2x4 field fence, and then two more feet taller are rebar and plastic-coated colored wiring. We grow morning glories on the front fence. They look really nice on the taller wires. I'll take pictures later this year.

FLRedHeart, you're absolutely right about purple being dominantly inherited. My wife save seeds from 2 years ago that had been mixed colors in 2013. They were mostly all purple in 2014. She saved so many seeds we could plant half the county we lived in - lol. We also bought other colors to mix in later this year.

Morning Glories are very invasive, but they draw bees, bumble bees and humming birds - big time. For a while, in May, there will be both Peas and Morning Glories on that fence.

Last edited by AlittleSalt; February 6, 2015 at 09:25 PM.
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