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Old February 12, 2015   #249
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: Utah
Posts: 693
Default Quick update on the micro-multiflora

I picked 1 pink fruit yesterday! I haven't done anything with it yet. Several more are turning color. As I've thought about it, the temperature could certainly be slowing them down from what they would do outside in summer. I have a gas heater that doesn't let the temperature get below about 60 degrees in the sun room. However, through the colder part of winter, the temperature would get down to 59-60 every night and was usually in the low-mid 60s throughout most days. Only the very brightest days approached the low 70s. That is changing now as we have longer days. I assume that would slow down the ripening.

Also, they are differentiating more as they get larger rather than all looking the same like they did for the first couple of months. There is quite a variation in size and shape of the plants and the number of flowers/fruits from the fewest to the most - with the majority being closer to the most than the fewest. I took a few minutes yesterday and attempted to count the number of set fruit (not flowers, but actual fruit) on the plant with the FEWEST. It has significantly fewer than any of the others - very obviously fewer fruit. There were ONLY 79 fruit set on that plant so far. It is close to 18" in height and hasn't spread as wide as most of them and still shows more flowers than fruit.

Still fun.
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