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Old February 20, 2015   #9
Join Date: Jan 2015
Location: AL
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Originally Posted by Al@NC View Post
That's good news Starlight! If those totes were used for growing before or left outside then you might want to bleach them just to be sure you don't ruin your season with bacteria growth.

Just trying to be helpful.

I'm always glad of advice and help. Thanks Al. I will bleach them. They had clothes all stored in them, but than she had them sitting outside and with heirlooms and some of these seeds being new to me, I sure don't want to take any chances. Want to give these babies the best start in life I can.

Plant several containers of these and allow them to shade your tomato containers soil as well as their own. Claud
Now that is a nifty idea. I plant herbs or some trap crops a bit away and along side some veggies, but it never crossed my mind to use some of the taller perennial and annual plants to shade the pots.

If this cold arctic blast hasn't frozen my pots solid, I have a bunch of pots of the Verbena Homestead and that is a good suggestion as it will climb up so far and spread out all over and shade the pots.

I have tons of flower seeds. Now I'll go through them and find ones that will have the height and spreading to shade the pots. Your idea will also help with bringing the pollinators and beneficals too, to help protect the tomatoes.

Thanks so much for the awesome idea Claud.
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