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Old March 16, 2015   #4
Join Date: Jan 2015
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Originally Posted by Worth1 View Post
Yes they are like what we called a baseball bat squash.
From what I can recall they grew like a weed along my sister in laws fence in soil that wasn't all that good.
The house was over ran with them.
Seemed to be very pest free all summer long with no particular problems at all.
Very tasty.

Baseball bat squash. What a name. Yes, I could see being a kid and thinking they would look like that.

Originally Posted by whistech View Post
Four plants are going to make more squash than, you, your family, neighbors, and friends can eat. Don't be discouraged when the vines start blooming and you don't see any squash. Males blooms always comes first, followed by female blooms and squash in about 3 weeks. For best flavor, pick between 12 and 18 inches long.
I am glad you said something cuz I shared some seed from the package, but still have about 15 seeds and was going to plant them all. Almost would have had a nightmare on my hands if they make that much squash. Now I think I will cut back to just one hill of 3 or 4 seeds. That is if I can plant them in a hill or do I have to grow em out as separate plants.

What do they taste like? Do I cook em like yellow summer squash? While waiting for the female flowers to arrive can you cook and eat the male blossoms like other squash?

I really need to quit shopping by eye candy alone. But if it weird or different looking, I want to try it and I am sick of eating the same yellow squash year after year. There has to be more to life than squash casserole.

Thank you for the help.
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