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Old April 2, 2015   #6
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It looks like herbicide damage to me also. A few years back during the windy spring weather someone in the neighborhood had their yard sprayed for weeds and a few days later all of my tomatoes had that problem except the ones protected from the wind by my shed. Most of them recovered after a few weeks but some were affected so badly that they just up and died. I clipped off the more badly affected stems and suckers and watered them heavily to encourage them to put on new foliage. Some of the newer suckers came out normal so I concentrated on making them my main stems.

If I had to do it over I would have replanted all the affected plants with new seedlings.
I think the results would have been better. If trace amounts of the herbicide are in the manure you used then it may be a while before you can grow tomatoes in that soil and it might even have to be replaced. I would only use cow manure from a certified organic dairy.

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