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Old April 6, 2015   #9
Join Date: Jun 2014
Location: NW Washington
Posts: 51

Originally Posted by carolyn137 View Post
I've never thrown out a saved seed since the late 80's and the only reason I'd go back that far, usually into the 90's is b'c someone would ask me if I had seeds of this or that b'c what they had received was no longer true to the variety. Remy and Tania have made such requests.

HEre's the way I look at it.

For seeds up to 5 yo just sow normally
From 5 to about 10-12 years, double sow
Over about 12 years, check germination first and if low or no, treat the seeds as I've described here before.

Also noting that seeds from heart shaped fruits lose viability faster and that my best save was waking up seeds of September Dawn which were 22 yo but the record to date was waking up seeds that were 50 yo.

Now the days I gave above is based on knowing the seed age, which I did, but not all commercial seed packs indicate that for they may say packed for 2003 which is useless since you don't know how old they were when packed, or they may give a dated germination percentage on the pack, and that's better.

Not to hijack the thread, but whatever happened to September Dawn? I loved the name, since my daughter was born on a September dawn and I googled it, but found very little information. Does it still exist?
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