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Old April 10, 2015   #9
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Originally Posted by Hunt-Grow-Cook View Post
This one has me curious. It was discovered on a sweet beverly plant, which i have grown many times. I also had a few very large trusses that set fruit last season, the biggest being 36 tomatoes on a single truss. Last season was the first time since I've grown it that I have had that many on multifloral plant. Being that this was discovered on a normal Sweet Beverly plant, does the "mega floral gene" for lack of a better term, actually translate into future generations?

In regards to taste I can only say that the original sweet beverly I grew was a favorite cherry of mine. Last year, the taste, color, and shape, were all different than what I've grown in previous years. Needless to say I was very dissapointed. Not sure if that's attributed to climate, or the particular bed that year, weather, who knows. Take that for what it's worth. I really enjoy some of Brads varities, but I've also had some issues with others of his. Inconsistencies being the main thing, perhaps some lines aren't fully stable? Having grown close to 20 different offering from him now, I can say he certianly has some gems in his tomato line. And as far as looks, his are hard to beat. New isn't always better though, or so I am learning.
Sweet Beverly was not stable when it was first made available, and there are some pictures here at Tville showing all the different shapes and sizes that came from seed.

As to the multifora gene, I don't know how it works, it could have been a spontaneous mutation seen first with your plant and if true such spontaneous mutations are permeant and heritable, so save seeds from those fruits and see what you get when you grow it out again.

Were you growing any mutiflora varieties any time recently since X pollination would be the more direct way of seeing it with what you have.

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