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Old April 24, 2015   #9
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: NJ z5
Posts: 281

Originally Posted by tam91 View Post
I've never grown melons - decided to try the Savor melon this year.

I can't seem to find any information on how long the vines are? Trying to plan space. It doesn't look like they are too long, but I'm not sure

I read somewhere you could trellis them. Has anyone tried this?

Sounds like I should start them indoors around the end of April - I am guessing they wouldn't like to go outside here (Chicago area) until near the end of May...

Also, it says to germinate them at 90 degrees. I have heat mats, but not sure they would take it up to 90 degrees.... any ideas?
I am not familiar with this melon, but if you want to control the heat mat, get a thermometer, even a dollar store one, and experiment before you start your seeds. A light cover over the pots and heat mat, for insulation, will give you warmer temperatures. Try a large towel, or an inverted bin or box. Do this when you are at home to keep at eye on it. The temperature should stabilize in a couple of hours, and you'll know if it is warm enough, but not getting dangerous- either for the seeds or in terms of fire risk.

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