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Old April 25, 2015   #13
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Originally Posted by AlittleSalt View Post
We have two air compressors...well, one good one that everyone else uses.

I have an old air compressor that takes at least a minute to air up a low wheelbarrow tire. It's like the "I think I can" engine. It always works though - it's just slow like me

Using a skill saw on sheetrock! You would need a serious breathing mask. I'm laughing because I can imagine someone doing it
Then there was the young lady I had as a foreman who asked me about masonry.
She had a stone planter project she wanted to do over the weekend.

I told her how ever tempted you may be ((DO NOT)) handle the mortar with your hands.
Learn how to use the trowel.
It will eat your skin off.
Well Monday she came to work with cracked ate up hands.
Boy you weren't kidding about that stuff were you.
Nope it sucked every bit of the fat out of your skin just like I said it would.

So a masonry trowel could go on the list for small repairs and projects along with an assortment of putty knives and such.

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