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Old May 20, 2015   #61
Join Date: May 2015
Location: Nevada
Posts: 275

Originally Posted by AKmark View Post
Thanks, we are working hard doing several experiments this year, we just planted several early season varieties outside in the garden for a side by side comparison to see how some perform.

Hey Barb, I still use pro mix, and these were grown until recently with Flora Nova and with Cal-mag as a supplement. I use the fertilizer every time I water, CM too. We also water twice a day, it's expensive but they grow like dandelions. I have switched to a 4-18-38 and supplement with Calcium Nitrate and Magnesium Sulfate

We measured two tomatoes tonight, and both are over 23 inches, the non fused tomato is absolutely stunning to look at, I have never had one do that.

For late season goodies, I have ate ripe Stump, and a ripe Delicious, we have Fred Limbaugh blushing, and German Queen. GQ is looking like it is going to have a a huge yield, and the tomatoes are all large and pretty overall, now I hope they just taste good.
Take care ya all
Akmark. You say you switched to 4-18-38 and supplement with CN and MS. Are you mixing the three together and sprinkling on dry or are you dissolving it and feeding as liquid. You mentioned you were feeding every time you watered (twice a day) Is that with an injection method? Or are you just using the 4-18-38 by itself daily and supplementing with CN and Epson Salt every 10 days?

Did you abandon the 13-13-13 with the Mittleider micro pack? I think you said you were experimenting with the 4-18-38. Look forward to hearing how it went. It's great that you are willing to try different approaches all the time. You seem to want to push the envelope to try and outdo your self every year. A trait that takes people from just good to great. IMO.
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