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Old May 22, 2015   #7
squirrel789's Avatar
Join Date: May 2015
Location: SW Missouri Zone 6b
Posts: 121

Hi Ed,

Thanks for the fertilizing advice! My TTF should arrive tomorrow and a couple of the the plants (already bigger now than in the posted pic) have started a few little flowers near the bottom. I assume I should never strip off flowers, even if relatively close to the mulch. Is that a safe assumption? I mean more flowers, more tomatoes right .

The plants are still relatively small (about a foot), but are starting to get a few flowers. When I planted them I put them a good 14" or so deep with just the top 4"s or so sticking out. Can I go ahead and start with the TTF as soon as I see flowers? Or should I use something more balanced until they grow taller? I was planning on starting to use the TTF as soon as I get it. Mostly just because it's like getting a new toy for my garden!

Any thoughts or suggestions are very appreciated. And a big thanks to all who take the time to respond!
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