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Old May 28, 2015   #1
jmsieglaff's Avatar
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Default Compost Bin and Building Compost question

I read a couple composting books over the winter and after doing some research on compost bins, tumblers, DIY options, I'm leaning toward this ( We have an average sized suburban lot, so that eliminates some options that some of you may suggest. But before I go for it, I have a few questions I'm hoping some experienced composters can answer.

1) Anyone use this compost bin and have comments?

2) Regarding building compost, the two biggest things I want to make sure of (which to my understanding go hand in hand), are to make good, complete compost for the garden and do it without creating a stinky mess (my wife's largest concern about starting composting is unpleasant odor in the backyard). So you need to build the compost with the proper ratio of greens and browns--which gives you the right temperature and balance of nutrients in the final product. Also the right ratio keeps the N from being too high and the composting materials from turning into a stinky ammonia puddle. What do you use for browns, especially in the summer? I can see plenty of greens (produce refuse, pulled spring plants from the garden, etc. etc.), but don't see much in the way of brown materials (maybe leaves in the fall and spent straw mulch, but nothing of note in the summer).

3) After the compost is done, how/where do you store it?

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