Thread: Pickles
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Old June 15, 2015   #172
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Posts: 245

Blackbear, there are two kinds of pickling, one with salt & vinegar and one by fermentation with just salt. They are both delicious and wonderful ways to preserve. Furthermore, you can do "quick pickles" with salt, sugar and vinegar that can be refrigerated rather than canned. All of these methods are "pickling," so you were not incorrect. But to say fermented or fermented pickles is more specific.

I don't have a lot of experience with ferments but have been experimenting. Sandor Elix Katz has two good books on fermenting I've been meaning to get. I also have Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon, which is loaded with fermented food recipes of all types. Not just veggies but fruit, beverages, condiments, breads like sourdough, even fermented bean dips.

Dave, thanks for the great recipe! (Good to see you here!) I am definitely going to try that this year. I have a couple questions: What size do you cut the tomatoes? And also, if you fill the jars first, then put in salt, then pack it full of tomatoes doesn't most of the water overflow out of the jar? (Is that why you shake after rather than stirring before, to ensure enough salt stays in?)

TracyDr, that pepper mash sounds good. Is that with sweet peppers, hot, or a blend?

Worth, I can't see your pic but I expect it looks similar to the 3 gallon one I inherited. It stiil has the lid!


PS: Last year someone gave me a recipe for Dilly Green Tomatoes, a vinegar pickle. They put cherry & small tomatoes whole WITH STEM in a vinegar pickle (with dill of course) and process, then start eating at Thanksgiving. I was going to try it, but never got around to it and all my tomatoes ripened, HA!

Last edited by wormgirl; June 15, 2015 at 06:01 PM.
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