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Old June 23, 2015   #28
Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: SE PA
Posts: 965

Originally Posted by kayrobbins View Post
JRinPA, I have a question about adding the vinegar. Since vinegar is used as and anti-fungal and antimicrobal what was your reason for using it?
I have many bookmarks for act/avct from the last few years that I've been re-reading. A few of them specify apple cider vinegar for the bit of acetic acid and trace minerals. Basically I added a lot of vc with any addl possibles I already have at minimum recommended rate. I don't plan to buy much of anything.

I'm not sure of the date on this particular post since I think "houzz" hosed a lot of gardenwebs forum posts. A lot of my gw bookmarks now claim a date of 1/1/2013.
Also, web search "apple cider vinegar" "compost tea" and there are lots of mentions.

I still have the light microscope I got for christmas when I was a kid, so I broke that out. I can see about as much with it now as I could back then. Air bubbles. Apparently I never learned the proper way to put a cover glass on. No matter. I don't see how one can go wrong with vermicompost. The worms do the work. I sprayed and drenched this morning.
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