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Old June 26, 2015   #13
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Originally Posted by gssgarden View Post
Was pretty darn close!! What a surprise!!

Fruit seems to be more solid, beautiful brick color, juicy and has an out of this world flavor that gets better as you eat it!

I cut it up, a little salt, and could not stop! The more I ate it, the longer the flavor lingered in my mouth! Wonderful full, rich flavor that is so close to CP I probably couldn't tell the difference. I will try though as I HAVE to have a side by side comparison!

Tall, strong, healthy plant as well!

Fruits are big, smooth, and plentiful!!

Pic has a 6 3/4 oz, 9 1/2 oz and a 12 oz. The big one is still to come!

Even though it was my first ever, I have to say without question, she'll be back next year!

I've said that IS is as good as CP, that's who.

Actually it's a variant of CP, please see the following link:

Notice that comment made by Tania which I stated in initial SSE listing on how IS does differ slightly from CP, but then IS was grown in isolation formany eyars.

There are lots of folks now who prefer IS over CP.

CP and IS both gave stable PL variants

CP and IS both gave stable heart variants.

Both CP and IS have clear epidermises which is why their background color is pink. I call the so called blacks that have a clear epridermis Black/pink blacks, like IS and CP and Black from Tula, for instance, and red/blacks if they have a yellow epidermis such as Carbon, Black krim, etc.

You referred to the color as brick red, which confuses me, but maybe it's a photography issue.

For many of us older folks we associate the words brick red with Bill, since when he first SSE listed it he called it brick red, but as you can see it's really pink/

It's an excellent variety amd I wish more vendors would start relisting it b'c in the past it's been very popular.

I see others suggesting some other varieties that you might consider and that's fine, but I won't b'c I decided to respond only to your initial post/

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