Thread: Leaf curl
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Old March 10, 2007   #4
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: PNW
Posts: 4,743

I bet it was something in the daconil solution.

IIRC the first list of soil amendments you put
in months ago (so the manure is surely composted
enough by now to not overstimulate the plants even
if it was fresh when you got it). The only thing in the
second list that the plant would have found shocking
is too much Tomato Tone, and why would they wait
until after you mulched and sprayed to react to that?

Pine Bark mulch wouldn't cause an abnormal growth
reaction unless it had some kind of industrial waste
or similar infused into it (not likely).

A chemical spray, OTOH, could have pretty much anything
in the "inert ingredients." (I am guessing that you
probably followed the directions on the bottle, so it
likely was not an overly high concentration of the Daconil
solution that caused the leaf curl.)

"Shake well before using." (?)

This can be an environmental reaction, too.
Sudden change in the weather? They generally
recover from weather-induced leaf curl without lasting
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