Thread: Juices
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Old July 27, 2015   #151
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Originally Posted by Durgan View Post
May I suggest your are making work no purpose.

My method is quick and simple. 3 September 2014 Tomato Juice
Thirty pounds of tomatoes were processed into eleven liters of tomato juice.The jars were pressure canned at 15 PSI for 15 minutes for preservation. The only addition to the pot was one liter of water to facilitate cooking. Annotated pictures depict the process.
May I suggest you missed the point Your process has more steps than I care to do. I only do four things. Cut them up, put them thru the BTB Mill, cook them down, and can them. When they come out of the mill, I have only skins and seeds left, and, the seeds are still viable. Sometimes, I dry the skins and/or seeds to make tomato powder. There have been times when I've had a lot of tomatoes from the same variety that I've saved the seeds for planting.

If I don't care to use the skins and seeds, I have lots of little buddies like Gold Finches that love to eat the seeds. Many of the birds won't touch the seeds if they've been cooked. Even that darned Chipmunk wants what he steals to be raw.

We both cut tomatoes up. But then our methods go separate routes. By the time you bring yours off the stove, I'm sitting in my chair checking out Tomatoville, watching a golf tournament, or just resting from a hard day in the garden while the mix cooks down. By the time you get to that electrical appliance, my kitchen is cleaned up, and I'm done and off to another project or just taking a nap. My "hands-on" time takes about two hours for a dozen quarts of thick juice.

So, who really made extra work without purpose? That old saying, "There's a lot of ways to skin a cat" applies here. I can see that your process gets you the results you want. And, my processes get the results I want.

And, everything I do has purpose. Else, I don't do it.
Owner & Sole Operator Of
The Muddy Bucket Farm
and Tomato Ranch

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