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Old July 28, 2015   #2
Join Date: Jun 2015
Location: 6a
Posts: 322

I've heard of diluting urine at a 1:10 ratio, but have never tried using it as a fertilizer.

I wonder if you can dilute the urine a little bit more and use it as a fertilizer/watering source more often.

On another note:
I'm growing a range of peppers and they all react differently in different temperatures. So I guess one way to see if your experiment is successful would be to see what type of conditions the peppers thrive in.

I'm growing the Brazilian starfish and lemon drop peppers in the baccatum family. Our weather has been in the 50s at night and hitting 70-90s in the day. These seem to be growing a little faster recently.

I'm also growing the red savina and Carolina reaper, those have slowed down a little bit.

My European gourmet peppers have stopped growing because of the weather.

So weather your experiment will be successful or not may be weather dependent.

On the issue of heat, the temperature in June was in the 100+ for about 3 weeks here. It burned my baccatums but my super hots grew like crazy. My gourmet peppers did ok.
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